Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Guess who is going to be on the annual Master Garden Tour this year?

Such a hard question. I know you're still pondering. 

I'm excited. And busy as (snicker) a bee...or a mound of ants. 

I've always had some sort of garden but during my art show years taking care of vegetables and flowers was virtually impossible as I was gone a LOT.

Not being able to do shows during COVID has allowed me a lot of time to do something around the homestead. I could have chosen to work in the house but why would I torture myself like that when the sun shines outside? 

I started "My Vision Garden". It's called that as one has to have vision to see where I'm going. 

I expanded into the woods surrounding my studio to create paths and little tableaus (spell check doesn't like that s on the end of tableau, sheesh) with cool things I've accumulated, found, been gifted with over the years. I started a Facebook page about it if you're interested: (14) My Vision Garden | Facebook

I have a "Golf Garden", "Mom's Mystery Garden", "Watery Way", "Woodhenge" and others that are in the works. I started a lily garden in the front of the house for all the wonderful lilies my mother has given me over the years. I have an herb garden that is continually expanding as I learn more about their health properties. I ordered a mini-greenhouse. I went berserk and ordered 5 million seeds (a very slight exaggeration). My son is building some raised bed gardens for me (I'm on a quartz vein, which, combined with Georgia clay makes it tough to do in-ground gardens.) I could go on and on about all the things I've done and plan to do.

The Fayette Master Gardeners came by to check it out...after I told everyone I knew in the group when our paths crossed that my goal was to be on the Tour...and I'm in. Which led to more seed orders and some more expanded flower beds in celebration.

Gardening is not for the faint of heart, especially when you live on 5 acres that deer, rabbits, chipmunks and other veggie/plant loving critters like. I know they line up every year wondering what kind of salad bar I'm creating for them.

I have done a lot of research into plant combining to deter bugs, pests and animals (which led to even more seed orders). I have done a lot of research on deer-resistant plants (yes, seeds and more seeds). Almost everything I have it deer-resistant but that doesn't mean they won't nibble when they're hungry or that MY deer aren't as picky as others.

The Garden Tour is in Fayette County, Georgia and will be on April 25th. They host a garden sale on the 24th in downtown Fayetteville. Many of my plants came from their sales over the years. 

I have lots of photos on my Facebook page if you'd like to see more of my garden, herbs, and progress. (14) My Vision Garden | Facebook

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I am not a doctor or a medical professional. If you choose to do some of the things I blog about please do your research, talk to your doctor or someone who knows more than I before implementing things.