Monday, March 2, 2020

Another one I found fascinating re: Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia

I usually post articles on the pages (links above), and will add this one...but I found it so interesting I decided to give it special stand-alone billing on my blog :-). I am constantly amazed at what they are learning about our brains and how they work.

Can PET Match Up Areas of Protein Deposit With Alzheimer’s Symptoms?
Even though, overall, Alzheimer’s disease robs all people it afflicts of mind and memory, it progresses differently in different people. Its specific symptoms, their sequence, and how fast they worsen can vary quite a bit from one person to another. This used to be a tough nut to crack for researchers, but now, by combining data from multiple PET tracers in longitudinal study cohorts, they are beginning to decipher which regional pathologies provoke particular disease manifestations. The Human Amyloid Imaging conference, held January 15–17 in Miami, showcased the latest findings tying tangles, or plaques, to particular behavioral and cognitive impairments. Intriguingly, links between pathology and subtle symptoms emerged even in people who were still cognitively healthy. The data suggest that multitracer, and also multimodal, brain imaging may eventually allow researchers to predict how disease will progress in a given person...

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