Thursday, February 27, 2020

Alzheimer's Survivors...

Post by Dr. Dale Bredesen today: "We support the mission of the Alzheimer's Association to eliminate AD. However, we strongly disagree with their assertion "there is still no treatment that slows progression of the disease, let alone stops or reverses it." An estimated 5.8 million Americans have Alzheimer’s. A new case is diagnosed every 65 seconds. Isn't it time to publicly acknowledge that real progress has been made—and published repeatedly—using a precision medicine approach?" (The article he refers to is posted at the end of this post)

Under his post on Facebook (, there are loads of comments from people doing the Protocol, reversing AD, going back to work, going back to doing what they loved and had lost.

Someone under the post said they talked to the CEO of AA during a walk and he claimed that he had never heard of Dr. Bredesen. Really? I wonder if he is aware of All the docs who have and are training in the Protocol? Bredesen is not the only one who is having success with similar programs.

Sadly, there is no money behind non-drug treatment studies (the majority of dollars for studies comes from pharmacy companies...) so it's just word of mouth.

Here are two good sites with testimonials, info, how to get started helping you or your loved ones on the path to preventing and reversing AD.

It's a tough protocol for some...but if it works it's a lot easier than being a statistic, having to watch the memory of your loved ones deteriorate, having to bath them, having to worry about nursing homes...

I have a ton of links above under the header if you're looking for practitioners, more info, etc.


After 40 years, the Alzheimer’s Association sees signs of progress against a devastating disease. Is it real?

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I am not a doctor or a medical professional. If you choose to do some of the things I blog about please do your research, talk to your doctor or someone who knows more than I before implementing things.