Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Explaining Functional Medicine...

This guest column says everything I might have said if I'd tried to write about the topic...  The only thing I might quibble over is the title of the article as it's really not a totally new kind of medicine!

A new kind of medicine

The first time I heard the term Functional Medicine (FM) was soon after my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease.
After her diagnosis, she was prescribed medication and we were told the disease would continue to progress until her death. Since then, I have often wondered how different it might have been if years ago we would have had more detailed information about her health. Maybe FM could have made a difference.

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I am not a doctor or a medical professional. If you choose to do some of the things I blog about please do your research, talk to your doctor or someone who knows more than I before implementing things.