Sunday, December 22, 2019

On the hunt... (Little Life Hacks post)

My mother is in the early stages of some sort of dementia, cognitive decline, or maybe Alzheimer's Disease. She hasn't been officially diagnosed although we've been to a neurologist. I'll save my thoughts on that visit for another blog on another day!

We have been following the Bredesen Protocol with some success. Given the fact that we didn't start until a few years after her memory issues began I'd say we've seen noticeable improvements, but not jump up and down results. Yet.

Part of the problem is that mom doesn't like taking pills...and there are a LOT of supplements that are suggested with the Protocol. If you're interested, here's a link to a post by Jacob on his website that gives a fairly simple overview and list:

Because Mom doesn't like taking the pills she sometimes skips taking them at all and always complains. So, I've been on the hunt for powder, liquid, chewable forms of as many as possible.

Trying to find a reasonably priced, quality supplement with those restrictions is hard enough. Toss in no sugars or bad oils and other things not on the "good for you" list and the number decreases to zero for most.

I was able to find a few. I found a chewable magnesium to replace the CALM she takes at night. The CALM is great, but it has to be mixed with water. Water means getting up in the middle of the night.

I found a liquid PQQ but it is four to five times the price of the pills she is taking. Not able to do that one right now.

I also ordered a chewable 5 HTP. by NOW. I ordered via Walmart, third party as they don't sell it. It's not on Amazon either. It will be 10 days before we get it. (Update --- it's OK, doesn't taste great but it is palatable)

She is already taking a chewable methyl B12 and multivitamin. I don't care for the multivitamin so will be working on replacing it with a better chewable.

Finding some form of easy-to-take choline, citicoline, Alpha GPC seems to be an impossible task.

I make her a brain tea with most of the herbs Bredesen recommends, plus some others not on his list that I've found help with cognition. I also make her a tea designed to address some of her other issues.

We're working on things, but truthfully we're probably only able to do maybe 50-75% of the Bredesen Protocol list. Finding organic and gluten-free foods when you live an hour from a half-decent grocery store is a challenge. Finding grass-fed meats, pastured eggs, and chicken? They exist but we're not really sure they're legit. Forget finding wild-caught Alaskan salmon! But, wild-caught salmon can be found at Walmart.

I always carry a large cooler of things with me when I go see them. I'm lucky to have Sprouts, Publix, Walmart, Aldi, Whole Foods and other stores super close. I try to go up once a week but there are a few other challenges in my life right now that are keeping me close to home. Soon I'll be back on track to get up there!

All of the supplements and food choices come at a high price. They took zero supplements and had one medication before all of this started. And...going from a dollar or so for a loaf of bread to $4-$6, for example, can really add up (although carbs are low on the "to eat" list so that's not necessarily the best example). My dad has always been frugal and they've lived a simple life. Now it's complicated. It's a complete change in every way possible for my parents. And it's hard. Everything is alien to their past way of life. Reading labels, avoiding all things sugar and gluten, learning to cook foods they've never heard of before...the list is long.

I'm lucky to have such a strong, resilient, loving Dad. He is getting it done despite all the crazy things being thrown in his direction these days! His Bible is getting a good workout though.

I love my parents dearly and will do everything I can to help my Mom beat this...and to help my Dad as he copes with cooking all the meals, helping her, and many things that he couldn't have envisioned when he said "for better or worse" many years ago.

Well...there I go rambling again. I was writing about hunting for supplements and ended up writing about my awesome parents.

I didn't say much about Mom. She is giving it her all. With her cognitive issues she gets sidetracked and comes up with some interesting takes on things at times but overall she is determined to fight. I also didn't mention the rest of my sisters and brothers. They are all part of this journey and doing what they are able to make it work. I'm dang lucky to have my great family.

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I am not a doctor or a medical professional. If you choose to do some of the things I blog about please do your research, talk to your doctor or someone who knows more than I before implementing things.