They knocked me out, looked down my throat, esophagus and checked everything out. I was given a prescription for Prilosec and told that I would be on it the rest of my life. If I left my acid reflux unchecked it could lead to cancer. When I asked about alternatives I was told that I could have an operation to fix the weak valve that wasn't keeping all the acid where it belonged.
That was it. And yes, that's a very over-simplified version of the diagnosis and treatment.
I took the prescription-strength Prilosec. Then my insurance stopped covering it and switched me to another type of proton pump inhibitors...which didn't work. Then they switched me to another. Then Prilosec became their drug of choice and I was back on it again... All of them basically stopped my stomach from producing acid. Therefore, none could travel upwards as it didn't exist.
I was so happy not to be staring at cancer and to be able to eat and sleep without heartburn, a sore throat, and other related agonies that I didn't delve into how the drugs worked and what the long-term impact to my health could be. That was not like yours truly!
At some point, the "what are you doing to yourself taking this drug?" part of my brain woke up! I started doing some research. Around that same time, I was losing weight. I wasn't obese, but I was moving on up and had passed the line between feel good about yourself and hide what you can with baggy clothes.
I didn't intend to lose weight...the loss happened when I changed my way of eating...which will be another blog or two or ten another day.
Common sense says that your digestive is designed perfectly and that the acid in your stomach has a purpose. As I learned how drugs like Prilosec and other proton pump inhibitors worked I figured out that, like many drugs on the market, it worked in one area but really screwed up other areas. It was more of a pick your poison. Or maybe more of a feel good now, pay later drug.
I'll link to side effects and how they work at the end of this post. Most of you probably already know!
I started looking into how to get off the drugs. I tried. I really tried. I downed apple cider vinegar, picked up some DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice root extract), ate small meals, cut out foods that triggered heartburn in anyone on the planet, raised the head of my bed and tried all the things listed out in Google-Land.
The problem with trying to get off acid reducers is that there is a rebound effect. You produce WAY more over-produce. It is painful, potential cancer looms in your mind, so back on the drugs you go... I did that yo-yo twice before breaking down and going to the doctor.
He said, after looking at my chart, noting my great weight-loss and hearing about my dietary changes that "if anyone can get off the medication you can". Wow, what a great bit of encouragement. He didn't give me any great ideas on HOW to do it...mentioned some of the easy ones anyone can find on the Internet.
I tried again. And finally succeeded. It wasn't easy.
I have been off the drugs for years now.
I continued to sleep with the head of my bed raised as a prevention method --- and subsequently learned that it's also good for your sleep and your brain!
Recently, after all these years, I started having some minor issues again.

Plus, I have moved to a timed window of eating --- which is good for my brain and not a bad thing --- but I stopped eating a number of small meals and have a tendency to eat two large meals. Not good if one has digestive issues. I am changing that one. I didn't even think of it in relation to my acid reflux until I started having issues again. When I stood back and looked at everything I realized the large meals, in combination with stress, could easily be part of the reason.
So I'm cutting my meals in half. I'm drinking two tablespoons of Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in a little water about 20 minutes before a meal. Sometimes I do it afterward. I am taking Betaine HCI + Pepsin prior to eating any meal that I think might be heartburn inducing. I am drinking aloe juice. I already add ginger root into my smoothies so I'm good on that one.
Yes, I am being aggressive.
All of those things seem to be working. We'll see. I'll keep you posted.
Have you ever dealt with acid reflux? Tried getting off proton pump inhibitors? Have any great heartburn fighters? Love to get your thoughts!